Bunions Specialist

Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in San Antonio and Kerrville, TX

Bunions Specialist
Bunions services offered in San Antonio and Kerrville, TX

About one-third of Americans have bunions –– painful bumps that form on the outer edge of the foot at the base of the big toe. At South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, board-certified podiatrist Shay Fish, DPM, and the team provide conservative and surgical treatment for bunions, including custom orthotics and Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction. To make an appointment, call the office in Kerrville or San Antonio, Texas, or book online today.

Bunions Q&A

What are bunions?

A bunion occurs when the bones at the front of your foot move out of place. Over time, that movement pulls your big toe in toward your other toes, causing your big toe joint to bulge outward. 

As a bunion grows, it becomes red, swollen, and painful. It might also interfere with your ability to work or exercise, depending on the type of shoes you wear. 

What are the symptoms of bunions?

The symptoms of bunions include:

  • Difficulty wearing your regular shoes
  • Inability to wiggle or bend your big toe
  • Corns
  • Calluses
  • Blisters
  • Hammertoes

As the bunion grows, you might also experience numbness or tingling in your big toe.

Who is at risk of experiencing bunions?

Several factors may increase your risk of experiencing a bunion, including an abnormal foot structure, a history of previous foot injuries, and/or having an inflammatory disease, like rheumatoid arthritis. You might also experience a bunion if you wear tight shoes that press your toes together.

How are bunions diagnosed?

At South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, Dr. Fish and the team diagnose bunions during an in-office visit.

Your provider reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms, including when they started, if they’re worse when you wear certain types of shoes, and if they respond to anti-inflammatory medication.

Next, they examine your foot and big toe, looking for swelling, redness, or bruising. Then, your provider gently presses on the bunion. They also order X-rays or a CT scan to assess the alignment of the bones in your foot and to check for joint damage.

How are bunions treated?

Bunion treatment depends on various factors, including the bunion’s size and its effect on your quality of life. Dr. Fish and the team typically recommend noninvasive treatments, including:

  • Bunion pads
  • Taping
  • Wearing more comfortable shoes
  • Custom orthotics
  • Over-the-counter pain medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections

If conservative treatments don’t provide lasting relief, Dr. Fish and the team might recommend surgery. They offer several types of minimally invasive bunion surgery, including Lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction, and LapiFuse™.


To learn more about the treatment options for bunions, make an appointment at South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, by calling the nearest office or booking online.