Wound Care Specialist

Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in San Antonio and Kerrville, TX

Wound Care Specialist
Wound Care services offered in San Antonio and Kerrville, TX

If you have a slow-healing ulcer on your foot or toe, it’s vital to seek treatment. Early intervention can reduce the risk of infection and encourage your body’s healing process. At South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, board-certified podiatrist Shay Fish, DPM, and the team provide wound care to people of all ages. A combination of healthy lifestyle changes and high-quality wound dressings can help you feel better. To make an appointment, call the office in Kerrville or San Antonio, Texas, or book online today.

Wound Care Q&A

What is wound care?

Wound care is a podiatry subspecialty that diagnoses and treats diabetic ulcers and other slow-healing wounds. If you have diabetes or another chronic health problem that affects your circulation, you’re at risk of other issues, like permanent nerve damage (neuropathy) and open wounds.

Wound care at South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, can reduce the risk of complications, prevent infection from spreading, and encourage your body’s natural healing process.

Who can benefit from wound care?

You might be a candidate for wound care at South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, if you’ve been diagnosed with any of the following health problems:

  • Poor circulation
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • A foot problem, like a hammertoe or bunions
  • Kidney disease

You might also benefit from wound care if you regularly drink alcohol or use tobacco.

When should I see a foot and ankle specialist for wound care?

Make a wound care appointment at South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, if you experience an open wound or another slow-healing sore on your feet, heels, or toes. That’s especially true if the wound doesn’t respond to at-home treatment or you see signs of infection, like redness, swelling, or oozing pus.

What happens during a wound care visit?

At South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, Dr. Fish and the team provide wound care on-site.

Your provider reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms, including when you noticed the wound, if its changed appearance, and if it’s painful or sensitive to touch. Next, your provider examines the wound, looking for redness or oozing pus.

If your provider suspects an infection, they collect a tissue sample from the wound and send it to a nearby lab for analysis. Your provider might also order X-rays, a CT scan, or an MRI to determine how far the infection spreads.

What services does wound care provide?

At South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, Dr. Fish and the team tailor wound care to each patient’s needs. After an exam and a review of your medical records, they might recommend:

  • Topical wound care
  • Antibiotics
  • Antiplatelet or anticlotting medications
  • Compression garments
  • Prosthetics
  • Custom orthotics
  • Elevating your foot
  • Wearing a cast or a brace

If these treatments don’t provide lasting relief, Dr. Fish might recommend surgery, like a skin graft.

To establish wound care at South Texas Foot Surgeons, PA, call the nearest office or book online today.